Creating and Organizing Your Own Home Page



Choose information which will present your ideas in a clear and cohesive manner. The contents of your home page will be viewed by people worldwide, you must make every attempt to convey your messages, information or ideas using a well defined layout, informative text and appropriate graphics. This will enable the viewer to understand what your page is about and hopefully encourage them to continue viewing in your website. To start preparing for this task, you should decide on the areas of interest that will be included in your website and what will be linked to those areas. Choose these items carefully. Collect graphics or links that you want in place within your text, but remember to place these items strategically allowing for viewing to return to your information. There are many graphics available on the Internet which you can use in your page. Here is a list of a few sites to visit:

Webular Wasteland
Clip Art, Clip Art, and More Clip Art!
Professional Web Authoring Resources
Dick's Web Design Workshop
Angelfire graphics

Once you have explored these areas, chosen and saved graphics you must begin to decide on where they will be placed on the page with your text. Select colors, icons and buttons that will make your page easy to get around in and a fun place to visit.

Are you sure you want to do this?

If you are going to begin learning HTML, I suggest you make a point of learning to look at other people's web pages. What I mean is for you to look at the HTML document a person wrote to present the page you are looking at. Don't look at the finished web page, look behind it at the document.

You may be asking yourself, 'why would I do that'? Let's say you run into a page that has a real neat layout, or a fancy text pattern, or a strange group of pictures and you'd like to know how they did it. Remember, I'm not telling you to steal anything, but let's be honest, if you see some you like, you're going to use the idea. That's the point of looking at another page's HTML document.

Here's how you do it: (This doesn't work for AOL, but keep reading)

1. When you find a page you like, Click on VIEW at the top of the screen.
2. Choose DOCUMENT SOURCE from the menu
3. The HTML Document will appear on the screen.
4. Go ahead and try it with this page. Click on VIEW and then SOURCE.

It's going to look like chicken-scratch right now, but soon, it will look readable and you'll be able to find exactly how an HTML document was written. Those of you who use AOL will not find the VIEW Source buttons described above. You will need to download the page as "source." Do that by choosing SAVE AS in the browser window and save the document in the "source" format. You will then be able to look at the code later in your text editor.

School Web Pages

Listing of School Websites - US



Choose lessons by clicking in the titles below.

 The Basics

 HTML Tags

 Links & Graphics

Fonts & Text Colors

More Graphics 

Lists & References

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